Meet the team behind DeanTrader! We are a small group of enthusiastic people that like to juggle around with numbers, in one sense or another. While Dean takes care of the actual swing algorithms & co, Thomas and Axel are focused on the fintech and regulatory aspects of this endeavour.

Dr. Daniel 'Dean' Frank Babik

Being the mastermind behind the swing algos and support indicators, Dean is responsible for the technical trading aspect of DeanTrader. He studied physics and received his Dr. rer. nat. (equivalent to a PhD) in quantum physics from the University of Bonn, Germany, in 2021. Back in 2017, during the time of his studies, he started diving into cryptocurrencies, and finally, after the devastating bear market of 2018, began to look into the possibility of profitable trading done solely based on calculations – a regime he was much more familiar and comfortable with than pure market speculation. After some first breakthroughs in 2019, and the interest from friends & colleagues, DeanTrader was officially formed in 2020. Several iterations and huge advancements on the swing algo system later, we are going stronger than ever.

Thomas Braun, M.Sc., MBA

For over 15 years, Thomas has been teaching trading through his “0-100 Academy”. He spent 8 years studying finance in universities and became a capital markets lawyer, making him a well-rounded expert. He shared his knowledge by teaching securities trading to over 800 students for 3 years at the University of Mannheim, a respected European business school. Thomas is a Certified Qualified Professional Banker in Germany, highlighting his skill in finance, especially in securities trading. He also has degrees like a LL.B. in Capital Markets Law, a MBA focused on Finance, and a Master’s in Entrepreneurship. Notably, he’s part of the “Y Combinator”, an exclusive community for the top 0.1% of global entrepreneurs.

Axel Hellinger, Attourney at Law

An enthusiastic lawyer, chartered tax advisor and certified compliance officer from Germany, with focus on tax law, corporate law, bitcoin & cryptocurrencies – Axel is the whole package when it comes to fintech-related, regulatory and legal challenges. Being a veteran in both worlds, judiciaries and cryptocurrencies, he can look back at over 17 years of experience as an attourney at law, while also being active in the blockchain space for almost a decade. In his hypervisorial role he assists DeanTrader in developing and growing new regulatory-compliant financial structures and services, benefitting existing DeanTrader members in the future.